
when i was at university, i was offered the chance to do some magazine layouts. which was fun. first time i’d used indesign. the designs are rather simple. but i think okay for a first time.

this is the first magazine i worked on. i did not design the front cover. for the most part i chose the images that accompanied the articles. became my best friend for finding creative commons images. i remember being very proud of the sky layout for the content and editorial pages!

this was magazine number two. again, i did not design the front cover, though i do love it! i got into gradient fades for the images in this edition. i love how when you learn how to do something new, it is in everything you do next!

magazine number three. i remember the process for this one being a bit chaotic… tho so many years have passed i do not remember a single detail. here is the blurb for this edition:

This year’s publication includes articles on a broad range of major trends in politics such as the upcoming American elections, the threat of ISIS, the rise of the BRICS, Chinese economic turmoil, etc. Read it for comprehensive and thought provoking takes on international affairs!